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You Deserve Nice Things June 22, 2023

Posted by samwyse in Uncategorized.
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“We’re here to remind you that eating great food is awesome, but it’s way more awesome when it, well, looks good, and dinnerware is a big part of that.” https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/epvpgp/best-places-to-buy-nice-plates

While the article casts shade at Goodwill, my wife and I have, over the course of several years, found very nice sets of china there. One of the sets is Christmas themed so we only use it a couple of times a year but my favorite gets used multiple times a week. In fact, I am using one of the dessert plates right now for breakfast!

After I read the above article, my daily wellness app serendipitously offered this advice: “Get attractive lunch containers to pack your lunch tomorrow. You don’t need to spend big bucks – mason jars are a great way to pack a layered salad or a hearty soup. The more attractive the container and the arrangement of the food, the more satisfying and enjoyable your packed lunch will be.” I was working from home even before the pandemic so I don’t need to pack a lunch very often but this will encourage me to do something nice for lunch.